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Strengthening Individuals & Families

1. Increase the number of residents and businesses engaging in community life

2. Everyone in Knaresborough to have three good friends (in Knaresborough)

3. Overall increase in Health & Wellbeing

Community Development

  1. Link Community Groups together where their common endeavour can benefit the town

  2. Practice, advocate and help Knaresborough become an exemplar for Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) in towns of our type 

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Strategic Leader and Catalyst for Change

  1. Community Groups and Statutory Sector inspire change and make decisions based on data, insight and evidence

  2. Lead the conversation on devolution opportunities for Knaresborough

  3. Share data safely and legally on Knaresborough’s needs and strengths

Run Knaresborough Connectors 

Ensure we are financially sustainable, legal, safe and compliant, spending money wisely and meeting our objectives and those of our funders.

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